香港大學動漫聯盟 The Animation and Comics Association, HKU


  1. 不可攜帶具有攻擊性或危險性之物品,例如:氣槍、煙花、已開鋒的刀具或以堅硬物料製作的道具。
  2. 請勿使用會污染場地或需進行大量後續清理工作之拍攝道具,包括但不限於羽毛、彩紙亮片或假血等。
  3. 因會場通道空間有限,請Cosplayer切勿在參展攤位附近及/或主要通道拍照,以免造成通道阻塞或混亂。
  4. 請Cosplayer避免長時間佔用同一場景進行拍攝,以供他人使用。
  5. 如工作人員發現違規行為,將要求有關人士離開活動範圍。
  6. 請各位保管好個人財物。如有遺失物品或拾遺,可到官方攤位查詢或進行登記。本會亦將會於活動後,於Instagram發佈失物認領資訊,請屆時到帖子查看。如有任何損失,本會概不負責。
  7. 如有任何疑問或需要求助,請向場地內工作人員查詢。
  8. 請勿穿著過於暴露或不雅之服裝,以免引起不必要之誤會、投訴或自身安全問題。
  9. 如發現任何違規行為,違規者將可能被邀請離場;
  10. 本會保留以上守則的增修權及最終解釋權。


  1. 請勿穿著過於暴露的服裝(例如但不包括於:露出胸部下側服裝,可透視或直接看到內衣的服裝,三點式泳裝,兔女郎服裝,任何色情角色)。
  2. 必須穿著安全短褲或絲襪褲以防走光。
  3. 建議穿著腿部露出較多的服裝的人士穿著絲襪打底。
  4. 請勿穿著軍人、警察、保安及任何疑似正式存在的正規制服團體。


Rules for Cosplayers

  1. Any offensive weapons or weapons of aggression are not allowed, including but not limited to: airsoft, fireworks, sharpened tools, or any props made of hardened materials.
  2. Please do not use any props which may pollute the event venue or props which requires a large amount of cleanup work to be done, including but not limited to: feathers, confetti, glitter, fake blood, etc.
  3. To prevent blockage or confusion in the passages, as the passage space is limited, cosplayers may not take any photos near the exhibition booth or near the main passageways.
  4. Please avoid occupying one set space for a long period of time such that others may use said space as well.
  5. If helpers discover any rule-breaking activities, helpers will ask related members to leave the event area.
  6. Please properly look after your own belongings. If there are any lost items, you may inquire about, or register the lost item at the ACAHKU booth. The Society will also release information about lost items on Instagram after the event, please visit @ACAHKU on Instagram after the event. The Society will not be responsible for any losses during the event.
  7. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please inquire from our staff helpers within the event venue.
  8. Please do not wear any obscene or revealing articles or costume, to prevent any unnecessary misunderstandings, complaints or issues regarding personal safety.
  9. If the Society discovers any rule-breaking activities, the Society reserves the right to request for the immediate removal of rule-breakers.

All cosplayers must abide by the following notices:

  1. You may not wear any indecent or revealing costumes or articles. (Including but not limited to: costumes that reveal the lower breast, costumes that are translucent or may result in observable underwear, bikini swimwear, bunny girl costumes, or any sexual characters.)
  2. Cosplayers must wear safety pants or stockings to prevent flashing.
  3. We recommend cosplayers wearing costumes exposing a large portion of their legs to wear stockings as a base layer.
  4. Please do not wear any uniforms from, or similar to, any official uniformed groups including but not limited to: police, armed forces, or security.

(Part of the regulations is with reference to ACGHK)